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Change over any of the NEW Briggs and Stratton Generators to run on propane or natural gas.
Propane and natural gas can save you time, money and aggravation.
Our do-it-yourself change over kits allow you to run your Briggs gasoline generator on propane, natural gas, or all three. Your engine will last longer, start better in cold weather and even start next year when you go to use it in an emergency. The best part is, with one of our do-it-yourself kits you can change your engine from gasoline to propane or natural gas all by yourself.
Why use natural gas to power your generator?
If you have Natural gas available you would certainly agree that it is probably the most dependable fuel on earth. It seems that other than a severe earthquake, natural gas is always there. It does not gum up or go stale like gasoline.
Why use propane to power your generator?
If you have propane available you probably know you can store propane for years. It does not gum up, go bad, or pollute the air like gasoline does. Use the little bar-b-q grill type cylinders as shown above or up to the 1000 gallon ASME tanks.
Here are many more of the benefits, and they are overwhelming:
Our conversion kits will provide the same power as gasoline.
Propane and Natural Gas Do not Gum up or go bad.
Longer, uninterrupted run times!
Connect to big tanks or to your natural gas pipe line.
Running out under load is hard on a generator so your generator will last longer.
Clean burning Alternate fuel will help your engine life.
All gasoline carburetors have a "Dirty Port" that shortens the life of an engine.
Propane and Natural Gas burns clean so they are better for the environment.
Use your credit card and safely and securely order on-line. Or call our office toll free at :1-800-553-5608
Monday thru Friday9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Eastern Time.
You can place your order over the phone if you feel more comfortable doing that or if you would like to speak with a company representative to answer any further questions you may have.
Please check our BASIC INFO page first. 1-800-553-5608