"Celebrating 18 Years of Customer Service." The #1 Factory Direct Supplier of Kits on the Web. Best kits, best instructions, and best support. "Carburetion is all we do!" Want help figuring out which kit to order? First try our "What Kit Do I Need?" page and also the new "Simple Explanation" page!
PLEASE NOTE:Some Kit Order Links on individual pages are no longer functioning. We apologize for the inconvenience during this website update. If the ones on your page are not functioning, please verify what kit is available for your unit and thenclick this link "KIT LIST PAGE FOR ALL GENERATORS AND ENGINES" to go to this temporary kit listing page. |
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For our Canada customers call us here in the U.S. toll free at 1-800-486-0077.
Honda EU3000iWe have the following kits for the Honda EU3000i generator.If you're not sure what each type of kit means, click on the Quick Help Links to the left or the picture above each category for more details.
(1) Explanation: There is an adapter that physically fits the carburetor but once installed does not leave enough space inside the cabinet to reinstall the air cleaner assembly. Only the Type 1 Kit and the Type 3 Kit is currently available for the EU3000i Generator. Clicking on the YES link will allow you to add that particular type kit to your shopping cart. For this generator the engine regulator has to be mounted outside of the generator and 2 rubber hoses pass through the cabinet into the engine compartment. The Type A Kit is also available for the EU3000i. Additional accessories can be ordered by choosing the "Continue Shopping" button after clicking on the kit link above. To view the available accessories ahead of time use this link ACCESSORIES. |
Use this link to CONTACT US by filling out a request form or contact us in the U.S. at 1-800-553-5608 or toll free from Canada to our US office 1-800-486-0077. US Carburetion Kit Center 416 Main Street * Summersville * West Virginia * 26651 Copyright ©1995-2010 US Carburetion, Inc. All rights reserved. |